Lecture 27: Conclusion
Lecture 27: Conclusion
In order to stabilize what you've learned in the class, take some time to recall what you learned and organize it. This outline give you some keywords to help you remember the broad concepts you've seen.
Functional programs
Inductive data types, recursive functions
Proofs by induction, computation, and rewriting
Specifying (functional) abstract data types
Imperative programs
Hoare logic; weakest preconditions
Separation logic to deal with the heap; frame rule
Soundness theorem
Specifying heap-based abstract data types
Concurrent programs
Weakest precondition for Fork
Concurrent soundness theorem
Fractional permissions
Resource algebras and ghost state
Specifying concurrent abstract data types with HOCAP
Writing definitions and theorems
Writing proofs with tactics
Translating informal proof strategy to tactics
Interactive proofs: reading the context, finding existing lemmas
Separation logic in Iris: understanding weakest preconditions, and Hoare triples in Coq
Iris Proof Mode tactics
GooseLang: connecting code to Goose model, writing specifications for Go functions