What is decide?
What is decide
What is this if decide
thing? And what is bool_decide
? And how do I do proofs involving them?
From stdpp Require Import numbers.
From sys_verif Require Import options.
From Coq.Arith Require Import Peano_dec.
We often use the pattern if decide P then ... else ...
. Alternately, you may try to write if (x = y) then ... else ...
it will fail, in which case you should be writing if decide (x = y) then ... else ...
. Alternately, you may see bool_decide
or decide
show up in program proofs since they are used by Goose.
This explanation gives you a terse overview of how decide
works and how to do proofs involving it.
If your goal involves decide
, one thing you can do is destruct (decide P)
, which will split into two cases:
(* this theorem is obviously false, it's just a demo of the proof tactics *)
Lemma example_destruct_1 (x y: Z) :
(if decide (x = y) then (x+1) else (y-2)) = 7.
destruct (decide (x = y)).
x, y : Z
e : x = y
x + 1 = 7
x, y : Z
n : x ≠ y
y - 2 = 7
Notice the x ≠ y
hypothesis in the second goal. This is how ~(x = y)
is printed. You will see ~(x < y)
if you destruct an inequality; lia
and word
know how to deal with that.
Lemma example_destruct_2 (x y: Z) :
(if decide (x = y) then (x+1) else (y-2)) = 7.
(* You can pass a pattern with underscores to `destruct` and it will fill them
in with anything seen in the goal; this isn't specific to `decide` but the two
are often convenient together. This has the same effect as `destruct (decide (x = y))` in this goal. *)
destruct (decide _).
Lemma example_destruct_3 (x y: Z) :
(if decide (x = y) then (x+1) else (y-2)) = 7.
(* You can pass a pattern with underscores to `destruct` and it will fill them
in with anything seen in the goal; this isn't specific to `decide` but the two
are often convenient together. This has the same effect as `destruct (decide (x = y))` in this goal. *)
destruct (decide _).
In some contexts you will see bool_decide
and not decide
. It also takes a proposition as an argument, but produces a boolean, which is sometimes needed in program proofs or other contexts. There are a few lemmas and tricks to work with it.
Here's a cheatsheet:
- The tactic
to destruct abool_decide
and do a proof in each case. rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2
givesbool_decide P = true
and producesP
as a side conditionrewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2
givesbool_decide P = false
and produces~P
as a side condition
First of all, you don't want to do destruct (bool_decide P)
like we did above.
Lemma bad_bool_decide_destruct (x y: Z) :
3 ≤ (if bool_decide (x < 3) then 3 else x).
destruct (bool_decide _).
x, y : Z
3 ≤ 3
x, y : Z
3 ≤ x
- lia.
- (* not provable: we have nothing about `~(x < 3)` *)
Lemma example_bool_decide_destruct (x y: Z) :
3 ≤ (if bool_decide (x < 3) then 3 else x).
x, y : Z
H : x < 3
3 ≤ 3
x, y : Z
H : ¬ x < 3
3 ≤ x
- lia.
- (* this is provable *)
Lemma example_bool_decide_rewrite (x y: Z) :
x < 1 →
(if bool_decide (x < 3) then x else y) = x.
intros Hlt.
(* I'd usually do `rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //` to automatically prove
the trivial subgoals (the second one in this case), but want to illustrate the goals here. *)
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2.
x, y : Z
Hlt : x < 1
x < 3
x, y : Z
Hlt : x < 1
x = x
- lia.
- rewrite //.
Missing Decision P instance
The second thing you may encounter is that sometimes, decide P
won't type check because of a missing Decision P
Inductive color := red | green | blue.
Fail Definition failed_color_dec (c: color) :=
if decide (c = red) then true else false.
You should really read the error message and try to make sense of it.
The reason this fails is that Decision P
says that there's a function that determines if P is true vs if ~P is true. Coq's logic is such that we actually can't do this for arbitrary propositions P
; it requires that we can compute which of P
or ~P
is true.
is just looking up this function using typeclasses, but the actual function doesn't get implemented for us automatically. We can provide an instance of equality between arbitrary colors; here's a manual version of that which we'll abandon in favor of using the powerful solve_decision
automation tactic.
Instance color_eq_dec : ∀ (c1 c2: color), Decision (c1 = c2).
intros c1 c2. rewrite /Decision.
destruct c1, c2.
{red = red} + {red ≠ red}
{red = green} + {red ≠ green}
{red = blue} + {red ≠ blue}
{green = red} + {green ≠ red}
{green = green} + {green ≠ green}
- left. auto.
- right. congruence.
(* Yikes, this looks tedious. *)
Instance color_eq_dec : ∀ (c1 c2: color), Decision (c1 = c2).
Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
Now Coq will use the instance we just defined when we write decide
Definition use_color_dec (c: color) := if decide (c = red) then true else false.
The implementation (which comes from std++) is actually very short, so let's show that.
Module decide_playground.
(* `decide` is the single member of a type class `Decision P` *)
Class Decision (P : Prop) := decide : {P} + {~P}.
What is that type for decide
? {P} + {~P}
is notation for sumbool
from the Coq standard library, which has the following definition:
Inductive sumbool (A B : Prop): Type :=
| left (H: A)
| right (H: B).
This definition says sumbool A B
has either an element of A
or a proof of B
, and I call them proofs because A
and B
are Prop
s. This is the Curry-Howard correspondence: we call a proposition P
true if it has an pf: P
, and we call such an element a proof. See Software Foundations's Curry-Howard Correspondence chapter for more.
The definition of sumbool
is actually the same as or P Q
(always written P ∨ Q
), except that it is annotated as {P} + {Q} : Type
whereas P ∨ Q : Prop
. The difference is that we can do computations with something in Type
, while facts in Prop
can only be used in proofs.
End decide_playground.