Types in GooseLang
This is still very much a work-in-progress.
Types in GooseLang
GooseLang pervasively uses types when interacting with memory (eg, loads, stores, pointers, slices). Here we explain how those types work.
(* enables defining structs with nice notation, something typically only done in
auto-generated code *)
Open Scope struct_scope.
Let's start with a classic Swap example, with pointers to integers:
func Swap(x *uint64, y *uint64) {
old_y := *y
*y = *x
*x = old_y
Here's what its goose translation looks like. Notice every load and store is annotated with its type, here uint64T
for all four load/stores.
Definition Swap: val :=
rec: <> "x" "y" :=
let: "old_y" := ![uint64T] "y" in
"y" <-[uint64T] ![uint64T] "x";;
"x" <-[uint64T] "old_y";; #().
What is uint64T
? It has type ty
, which is a Coq definition modeling a small subset of the Go type system:
Print ty.
Inductive ty (val_tys : val_types) : Type :=
baseT : typing.base_ty β ty
| prodT : ty β ty β ty
| listT : ty β ty
| sumT : ty β ty β ty
| arrowT : ty β ty β ty
| arrayT : ty β ty
| ptrT : ty
| structRefT : list ty β ty
| mapValT : ty β ty β ty
| chanValT : ty β ty
| extT : ext_tys β ty
| prophT : ty.
Arguments ty {val_tys}
Arguments baseT {val_tys} t
Arguments prodT {val_tys} (t1 t2)%heap_type
Arguments listT {val_tys} t1%heap_type
Arguments sumT {val_tys} (t1 t2)%heap_type
Arguments arrowT {val_tys} (t1 t2)%heap_type
Arguments arrayT {val_tys} t%heap_type
Arguments ptrT {val_tys}
Arguments structRefT {val_tys} ts%list_scope
Arguments mapValT {val_tys} (kt vt)%heap_type
Arguments chanValT {val_tys} vt%heap_type
Arguments extT {val_tys} x
Arguments prophT {val_tys}
itself is an example of a baseT
. Types are being used in this translation as part of the behavior or semantics of this program. Typically types are part of what is formally called a type system: types as well as a way of checking that a program's type annotations are correct. The primary goal of a type system is to catch bugs before running your code (and beyond that, a sound type system can also give a soundness guarantee about programs that type check, but that isn't covered in this class). There are some secondary benefits we won't talk about here, such as better performance from compiled code, and information hiding.
We do not have a type system that relates GooseLang expressions to these ty
s. Instead, their main purpose is related to handling structs in memory, which we'll introduce next.
The purpose of types in GooseLang is to model structs, and in particular references to structs. Let's walk through that.
As a running example, we'll use this Go struct:
type Pair struct {
x uint64
y uint64
What goose translates this struct to is a struct descriptor, which is a list of fields and types for the struct.
Definition Pair := struct.decl [
"x" :: uint64T;
"y" :: uint64T
TODO: oops, this is getting too much into the motivation. Explain axiomatically starting from what a struct points-to is.
How is Pair
represented as a value in GooseLang? To keep the language as simple as possible, it doesn't have a notion of a "struct value" or even fields. A Pair
is actually represented as a tuple, with a #()
tacked on at the end (don't worry about why - it just makes the recursive code that deals with struct fields easier). So what in Go would be Pair { x: 2, y: 6 }
will be the value (#2, (#6, #()))
in GooseLang.
When we have a *Pair
- that is, a pointer to a Pair - things get more interesting. The problem we need to solve is that the code can take a p *Pair
and use &p.x
and &p.y
as independent pointers; this is both safe and expected in concurrent code. Thus instead of having a single heap location with the whole Pair, the model splits it into two adjacent cells, one for x
and one for y
(the unit #()
is not stored), and these cells can be independently written from different threads. The actual splitting is handled in the semantics of allocation, which "flattens" values.
However, if structs are flattened in memory, Goose has to emit non-trivial code for accessing fields individually, for example to model *p.y
from the Pair pointer p
. This is modeled by implementing field access in GooseLang, using the field name "y" and the struct descriptor Pair, which together tell us that y
will be one cell offset from the value of p
. GooseLang has pointer arithmetic as a feature, even though it isn't a Go feature, so to read y
we just dereference p +β 1
(the language uses the notation +β
for pointer arithmetic to distinguish it from regular addition).
The actual implementation doesn't emit p +β 1
, because that would result in very hard to read GooseLang code. Instead, it emits a Gallina function struct.loadField Pair "y" #p
, where Pair
is exactly the descriptor above, "x" is a string that is used to find the right offset within Pair
, and #p
is the pointer to be loaded from.
- explain how a struct is loaded
- explain how points-to fact for a struct needs to account for different fields
- explain how struct points-to is implemented in terms of a primitive single-cell points-to (which we never need as users)
- explain how store needs to maintain the type invariant in the struct points-to and thus requires a type proof