Demo: binary search tree
Demo: binary search tree
A binary search tree is a data structure for fast lookup, addition, and removal of items based on sorted keys. The key idea is an invariant that the key of every node is greater than all keys in that node's left subtree, and less than the keys in the right subtree.
We will verify a simple implementation of a binary search tree which only stores integer keys, with no associated values, and with no delete operation (though you may want to add one as a fun exercise).
The full Go source is at go/heap/search_tree.go in the exercises repo for the class.
This is the Go data structure for a single node of the tree:
type SearchTree struct {
key uint64
left *SearchTree
right *SearchTree
For the proof, first we'll set up the representation invariant own_tree
for a SearchTree
, relating it to the gset w64
of elements it logically contains.
Then, we'll prove specifications based on this representation invariant.
From sys_verif.program_proof Require Import prelude empty_ffi.
From Goose.sys_verif_code Require Import heap.
Section proof.
Context `{hG: !heapGS Σ}.
is the core definition of a (non-empty) tree rooted at some key.
See own_tree_F
for the context of how this is used.
Definition tree_root (own_tree: loc -d> gset w64 -d> iPropO Σ)
(l: loc) (keys: gset w64) : iPropO Σ :=
(∃ (key: w64) (left_l right_l: loc) (l_keys r_keys: gset w64),
"key" :: l ↦[SearchTree :: "key"] #key ∗
"left" :: l ↦[SearchTree :: "left"] #left_l ∗
"right" :: l ↦[SearchTree :: "right"] #right_l ∗
(* the pointers in a tree themselves point to subtrees *)
"Hleft" :: ▷ own_tree left_l l_keys ∗
"Hright" :: ▷ own_tree right_l r_keys ∗
(* the elements of the whole tree combine the root node and the subtrees *)
"%Hkeys" :: ⌜keys = {[key]} ∪ l_keys ∪ r_keys⌝ ∗
(* the core binary search tree invariant: the elements in the subtree are
less than the root, and the root is less than the elements in the right
subtree *)
"%Hleft_bound" :: ⌜∀ (k: w64), k ∈ l_keys → uint.Z k < uint.Z key⌝ ∗
"%Hright_bound" :: ⌜∀ (k: w64), k ∈ r_keys → uint.Z key < uint.Z k⌝
The representation of a tree relates a loc
for the root pointer (to a SearchTree
struct) to a set of elements of type gset w64
. The desired definition is recursive, since a tree contains pointers to other trees in turn.
This is using an Iris mechanism to write recursive definitions. We won't go into the details here, but you do need to be able to read the definition own_tree_F
. Notice that own_tree_F
takes a predicate own_tree
as an argument. What own_tree_unfold
proves is that own_tree
is equal to own_tree_F
applied to the original own_tree
- this is what's called a "fixpoint" of own_tree_F
because own_tree_F own_tree = own_tree
Definition own_tree_F (own_tree: loc -d> gset w64 -d> iPropO Σ) :
loc -d> gset w64 -d> iPropO Σ :=
(λ l keys,
("%Hnull" :: ⌜l = null⌝ ∗ ⌜keys = ∅⌝) ∨
"%Hnon_null" :: ⌜l ≠ null⌝ ∗ tree_root own_tree l keys)%I.
#[local] Instance own_tree_F_contractive : Contractive own_tree_F.
rewrite /own_tree_F /tree_root.
Definition own_tree : loc → gset w64 → iProp Σ := fixpoint own_tree_F.
Lemma own_tree_unfold l keys :
own_tree l keys ⊣⊢ own_tree_F (own_tree) l keys.
Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold own_tree_F). Qed.
Lemma own_tree_null keys :
own_tree null keys ⊣⊢ ⌜keys = ∅⌝.
rewrite own_tree_unfold /own_tree_F.
rewrite /named.
- iIntros "[[% %] | [% _]]".
+ auto.
+ contradiction.
- iIntros "%"; subst. auto.
Lemma own_tree_non_null l keys :
l ≠ null →
own_tree l keys ⊣⊢ tree_root own_tree l keys.
iIntros (Hnon_null).
rewrite own_tree_unfold /own_tree_F.
- iIntros "[[% %]| [% $]]".
- iIntros "H". iRight. iFrame "%∗".
Go source:
func NewSearchTree() *SearchTree {
// NOTE: this pattern works around a Goose bug with translating the nil
// constant
var s *SearchTree
return s
Lemma wp_NewSearchTree :
{{{ True }}}
NewSearchTree #()
{{{ (l: loc), RET #l; own_tree l ∅ }}}.
wp_start as "_".
wp_apply wp_ref_of_zero.
{ done. }
iIntros (ptr_l) "l".
iApply "HΦ".
iApply own_tree_null; done.
Go source:
func (t *SearchTree) Contains(key uint64) bool {
if t == nil {
return false
if key == t.key {
return true
if key < t.key {
return t.left.Contains(key)
return t.right.Contains(key)
Lemma wp_SearchTree__Contains (needle: w64) l keys :
{{{ own_tree l keys }}}
SearchTree__Contains #l #needle
{{{ RET #(bool_decide (needle ∈ keys)); own_tree l keys }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Htree HΦ".
is recursive. We'll use Löb induction to prove it correct.
Löb induction says ∀ P, (▷ P → P) → P
. This seems pretty magical: we can assume [▷P] when proving any proposition P! The reason this is sound is because of how the [▷] modality prevents us from using [▷P] immediately and not doing any work. In a program proof, the effect of Löb induction is that we can assume the correctness of the function we're proving after it has taken at least one step. This means that the spec can be used as an induction hypothesis for all recursive calls, but not for the original call (which would be unsound).
Note that we can't use this mechanism to prove a program's recursion eventually terminates, so it only works to prove properties about a function if it terminates.
iLöb as "IH" forall (l keys Φ).
wp_rec. wp_pures.
Σ : gFunctors
hG : heapGS Σ
needle : w64
l : loc
keys : gset w64
Φ : val → iPropI Σ
"IH" : ∀ (l0 : loc) (keys0 : gset w64) (Φ0 : val → iPropI Σ),
own_tree l0 keys0 -∗
▷ (own_tree l0 keys0 -∗ Φ0 #(bool_decide (needle ∈ keys0))) -∗
WP SearchTree__Contains #l0 #needle {{ v, Φ0 v }}
"Htree" : own_tree l keys
"HΦ" : own_tree l keys -∗ Φ #(bool_decide (needle ∈ keys))
WP if: #(bool_decide (#l = #null)) then #false
else if: #needle = struct.loadF SearchTree "key" #l then #true
else if: struct.loadF SearchTree "key" #l > #needle
then SearchTree__Contains (struct.loadF SearchTree "left" #l)
else SearchTree__Contains (struct.loadF SearchTree "right" #l)
{{ v, Φ v }}
Notice that the ▷ in front of "IH" has disappeared because we've taken a step. We're now free to use it whenever there's a call to SearchTree__Contains
(* If the root is nil, then the tree is empty. We need to prove that to show
that returning false is the right thing to do. *)
(* we need to prove this before `iApply HΦ` since the proof requires
"Htree" *)
iAssert (⌜needle ∉ keys⌝)%I as %Hnotin.
{ iDestruct (own_tree_null with "Htree") as %Hkeys; subst.
iPureIntro; set_solver. }
rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; [ | done ].
iApply "HΦ". iFrame. }
(* non-nil cases *)
assert (l ≠ null) as Hnon_null by congruence.
iDestruct (own_tree_non_null with "Htree") as "Htree"; [ done | ].
iNamed "Htree". subst keys.
wp_loadField. wp_pures. wp_if_destruct.
{ (* found needle at root *)
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2.
- iApply "HΦ".
iApply own_tree_non_null; auto.
iFrame "key left right Hleft Hright %".
iPureIntro; set_solver.
- set_solver. }
(* else: didn't find at root *)
assert (needle ≠ key) as Hnotkey by congruence.
repeat (wp_loadField || wp_if_destruct || wp_pures).
- (* recursive subcall, to the left tree *)
wp_apply ("IH" with "[$Hleft]").
iIntros "Hleft".
iDestruct ("HΦ" with "[key left right Hleft Hright]") as "HΦ".
{ iApply own_tree_non_null; auto.
iFrame "left right ∗%".
(* We need to prove that searching on the left is equivalent to searching in
the whole tree. Intuitively, this is true because `needle ≠ key` and the
binary search invariant guarantees that `needle` won't be found on the
right. *)
iExactEq "HΦ".
repeat f_equal.
apply bool_decide_ext.
(* this is true because of the search invariant, not simple set reasoning *)
assert (needle ∉ r_keys).
{ intros Hin. apply Hright_bound in Hin. lia. }
(* [set_solver] can automate the remainder of the proof *)
- (* recursive subcall, to the right tree (essentially identical proof to the
left tree) *)
wp_apply ("IH" with "[$Hright]").
iIntros "Hright".
iDestruct ("HΦ" with "[key left right Hleft Hright]") as "HΦ".
{ iApply own_tree_non_null; auto.
iFrame "left right ∗%".
iExactEq "HΦ".
repeat f_equal.
apply bool_decide_ext.
(* [set_solver] can actually use [lia] as a helper tactic and do this whole
proof automatically *)
set_solver by lia.
Go source:
func singletonTree(key uint64) *SearchTree {
// NOTE: same workaround for Goose bug
var s *SearchTree
return &SearchTree{key: key, left: s, right: s}
Lemma wp_singletonTree (key: w64) :
{{{ True }}}
singletonTree #key
{{{ (l: loc), RET #l; own_tree l {[key]} }}}.
wp_start as "_".
wp_apply wp_ref_of_zero; [ done | ]. iIntros (s_l) "Hs".
wp_load. wp_load.
wp_alloc t_l as "Hl".
iDestruct (struct_pointsto_not_null with "Hl") as %Hnot_null.
{ simpl; lia. }
iApply struct_fields_split in "Hl". iNamed "Hl".
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite own_tree_unfold /own_tree_F.
iSplit; [ done | ].
iFrame "key left right".
iExists ∅, ∅. iFrame.
rewrite own_tree_null.
split_and!; auto.
- set_solver.
- set_solver.
- set_solver.
Go source:
func (t *SearchTree) Insert(key uint64) *SearchTree {
if t == nil {
return singletonTree(key)
// modify in-place
if key < t.key {
t.left = t.left.Insert(key)
} else if t.key < key {
t.right = t.right.Insert(key)
// if t.Key == key then key is already present
return t
Lemma wp_SearchTree__Insert (new_key: w64) l keys :
{{{ own_tree l keys }}}
SearchTree__Insert #l #new_key
{{{ (l': loc), RET #l'; own_tree l' (keys ∪ {[new_key]}) }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Htree HΦ".
iLöb as "IH" forall (l keys Φ).
wp_rec; wp_pures.
{ wp_apply wp_singletonTree.
iDestruct (own_tree_null with "Htree") as %Hkeys; subst. iClear "Htree".
iIntros (l') "Htree".
iApply "HΦ".
iExactEq "Htree".
f_equal. set_solver. }
assert (l ≠ null) as Hnot_null by congruence.
iDestruct (own_tree_non_null with "Htree") as "Htree"; [ auto | ].
iNamed "Htree". subst keys.
wp_pures. wp_if_destruct.
{ wp_loadField.
wp_apply ("IH" with "[$Hleft]").
iIntros (left_l') "Hleft".
iApply "HΦ".
iApply own_tree_non_null; [ done | ].
(* need to re-prove binay search invariant *)
iFrame "key left right Hleft Hright %".
split_and!; auto.
- set_solver.
- set_solver.
wp_loadField. wp_pures. wp_if_destruct.
{ wp_loadField.
wp_apply ("IH" with "[$Hright]").
iIntros (right_l') "Hright".
iApply "HΦ".
iApply own_tree_non_null; [ done | ].
iFrame "key left right Hleft Hright %".
- set_solver.
- set_solver.
(* key was already present *)
assert (key = new_key) by word; subst new_key.
iApply "HΦ".
iApply own_tree_non_null; [ auto | ].
iFrame "key left right Hleft Hright %".
(* there's only one goal because the left and right subtrees are unchanged, so
the search invariant is proven automatically *)
set_solver. (* this is where we prove that even though we don't modify the
search tree, it's the same as doing ∪ {[key]} *)
End proof.