Integers in GooseLang
Integers in GooseLang
From sys_verif.program_proof Require Import prelude empty_ffi.
From Goose.sys_verif_code Require Import functional.
Section goose.
Context `{hG: !heapGS Σ}.
You'll be pervasively working with integers in GooseLang. A few hints will help make sense of all the types and functions for reasoning about them in program proofs, in Coq.
First, Goose primarily supports the Go type uint64
, unsigned 64-bit integers. There is also support for uint32
and preliminary support for signed integers int64
, but it's easiest if you stick to uint64
. Note that most Go code would use int
as the basic integer type, which is a signed integer whose size matches the architecture.
Next, the type w64
represents a 64-bit integer value. This is used both in GooseLang and in proofs.
In GooseLang, to use a w64 we have to turn it into a value. This is almost always written #x
. Technically, this produces the term LitV (LitInt x)
, but LitInt
is inserted implicitly (this is the Coq's coercions feature) and #
is notation for LitV
Set Printing Coercions. Unset Printing Notations.
Eval simpl in (fun (x: w64) => #x).
= fun x : w64 => LitV (LitInt x)
: forall _ : w64, val
Unset Printing Coercions. Set Printing Notations.
w64 to Z and back
Reasoning about integers is always done via their mathematical representation as a Z
, a signed integer.
uint.Z : w64 → Z
gives the abstract value of a concrete integer.W64 : Z → w64
converts an abstract value to a concrete integer. This ends up taking the value mod since w64 is bounded.uint.nat : w64 → nat
is a shorthand forfun x => Z.of_nat (uint.Z x)
, for cases where you need to use anat
. This happens often because the list functions all requirenat
and notZ
. (I hope to eventually fix this in a future version of GooseLang.)
word tactic
The word
tactic is an extension of lia
that will help you prove goals involving words and uint.Z
, including handling overflow reasoning.
The word tactic, among other things, uses lemmas like word.unsigned_add
and word.unsigned_mul
to reason about the value of uint.Z (word.add x y)
and uint.Z (word.mul x y)
. In some cases you may want to rewrite
with those lemmas directly, especially if you want to do something unusual with overflow, or if word
isn't able to prove that overflow doesn't occur.
An example specification
You can see all of this integer reasoning in action in this proof of Add
, a function which takes two uint64
s and just returns their sum.
We need %Z
in the postcondition to force parsing using the Z notations (+
is overloaded and is otherwise interpreted as something for types).
This style of postcondition is common with integers: we say there exists a z: w64
that is returned, and then describe uint.Z z
. This avoids having to specifically write down how the word itself is constructed, and we can just use operations on Z.
Lemma wp_Add_bounded (x y: w64) :
{{{ ⌜uint.Z x + uint.Z y < 2^64⌝ }}}
Add #x #y
{{{ (z: w64), RET #z; ⌜uint.Z z = (uint.Z x + uint.Z y)%Z⌝ }}}.
wp_start as "%Hbound".
Σ : gFunctors
hG : heapGS Σ
x, y : w64
Φ : val → iPropI Σ
Hbound : uint.Z x + uint.Z y < 2 ^ 64
"HΦ" : ∀ z : w64, ⌜uint.Z z = (uint.Z x + uint.Z y)%Z⌝ -∗ Φ #z
|==> Φ #(word.add x y)
You can see in this goal that the specific word being returned is word.add x y
iApply "HΦ".
Σ : gFunctors
hG : heapGS Σ
x, y : w64
Φ : val → iPropI Σ
Hbound : uint.Z x + uint.Z y < 2 ^ 64
uint.Z (word.add x y) = uint.Z x + uint.Z y
This goal is only true because the sum doesn't overflow - in general uint.Z (word.add x y) = (uint.Z x + uint.Z y) % 2^64
If for whatever reason you want to just specify the exact word being returned, you can use word.add
directly, but it's not common to want this.
Lemma wp_Add_general (x y: w64) :
{{{ True }}}
Add #x #y
{{{ RET #(LitInt (word.add x y)); True }}}.
wp_start as "_". wp_pures.
iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". done.
Pointers to integers
You'll also see uint64T
used as an argument as in l ↦[uint64T] #x
and own_slice s q uint64T xs
. This is a GooseLang type that represents the Go type uint64
End goose.